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parking rates
After the first 4 hours, an additional 5 lei is added for each additional hour of parking.
Payment for the ticket can be made at the payment machine in the AQUA reception area (00:00-24:00), at the parking exit terminals equipped with POS (00:00-24:00), or at the main reception of the Pescariu Sports&Spa club (06:00-22:00).
After paying the fee, the parking right is canceled, and the exit from the club premises must be made within a maximum of 15 minutes from the payment. Otherwise, the fee for an additional hour of parking will be due.
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parking rates
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detalii contact
Monday - Friday - 06:00 - 23:00
Saturday - Sunday - 08:00 - 22:00
Customer Relations
Main Reception
+4 0372 731 972
Anca Capruciu (Senior Sales Representative)
+40 730 900 040
Cristina Ion (Sales Representative)
+40 730 900 045
Barbu Vacarescu Exit
Program NON STOP
Payment CARD
Pescariu Aqua Reception
Program NON STOP
Payment CASH
Pescariu Sports&Spa Reception
Program L-V - 06:00 - 23:00 / S-D 08:00 - 22:00
Payment CARD / CASH
Rules for the organization and operation of the paid parking system within the sports complex "Pescariu Sports&Spa," owned by the DINU PESCARIU FOUNDATION.
The present Regulation establishes the general rules to be followed by all visitors of "Pescariu Sports&Spa," and especially by the drivers using the parking lot of the sports complex "Pescariu Sports&Spa," with the aim of maximizing the efficient use of available parking spaces and streamlining traffic. The "Pescariu Sports&Spa" parking lot is private property, and the access of drivers to its interior is subject to compliance with this Regulation and road traffic laws.
By requesting the issuance of the parking ticket for "Pescariu Sports&Spa," the vehicle driver accepts and undertakes to comply with the conditions of this Regulation.
Art. 1. For the purposes of this Regulation, parking spaces are specially designated areas within the complex, marked perpendicularly or obliquely relative to the edge of the roadway.
Art. 2. Each driver is obliged to park their vehicle in such a way as to occupy only one parking space and not to obstruct/prevent the use of parking spaces in the immediate vicinity.
Art. 3. "Pescariu Sports&Spa" reserves the right to designate specific zones within the parking area where specific rules will apply, as determined by the Management of the Sports Complex.
Art. 4. Access to the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" parking area is granted by requesting and obtaining the access ticket from the barriers specially installed at each entry point. Exiting the parking area is exclusively done after validating and paying the parking fee, using the access ticket.
Art. 5. The operating hours of the paid parking at "Pescariu Sports&Spa" are as follows: Monday – Sunday in the time interval 00:00-23:59.
Art. 6. Depending on the occupancy level of parking spaces or other exceptional situations, "Pescariu Sports&Spa" may temporarily restrict access to the parking area.
Art. 7. Paid parking in specially designated spaces, as provided in this Regulation, is based on the hourly rate principle.
Art. 8. The applicable hourly rate for parking, including VAT, is as follows:
Monday – Sunday between 00:00 – 23:59:
- FREE for the first hour
- 15 Lei for 2 hours
- 25 Lei for 3 hours
- 35 Lei for 4 hours
- After the first 4 hours of parking, an additional 5 Lei is added for each additional hour of parking.
The displayed rate is per whole hour and is not fractionable. Any division of the hourly interval will be charged considering the rate for a whole hour.
After paying the fee, the parking right is canceled. Exiting the club premises must be done within a maximum of 15 (fifteen) minutes from paying the fee. Otherwise, the fee for an additional hour of parking will be due.
Art. 9. The parking fee is paid based on the access ticket as follows:
a) In the self-service system, using the parking payment machine located at the AQUA pool reception, with the use of coins or banknotes, as follows:
a. Coins or banknotes are used directly at the machine, where as many as necessary are inserted until the amount representing the applicable fee is reached. Banknotes with a face value higher than 50 (fifty) lei are not accepted. Only 50 bani coins can be used.
b) In the manual system, at the specially arranged payment point in the main reception of "Pescariu Sports&Spa," between 06:00 - 24:00 Monday - Friday, and 08:00 – 22:00 Saturday – Sunday.
c) In the self-service system, using the bank POS terminals located at the parking exit terminals. Payment at these terminals can only be made by bank card or contactless devices.
Art. 10. In case of loss, destruction, or damage of the parking access ticket, a duplicate can be requested at the mentioned manual payment point, against the amount of 50 (fifty) lei (VAT included) daily, between 06:00 - 24:00 Monday - Friday, and 08:00 – 22:00 Saturday – Sunday. Payment for the duplicate does not exclude the payment of the parking fee. Outside these time intervals, the amount of 100 (one hundred) lei (VAT included) will be paid at the payment machine.
Art. 11. In case of loss of the parking ticket, the driver must specify the license plate number and the time of entry into the club premises for identification in the automated system.
Art. 12. Mention regarding the parking subscribers of the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" Sports Complex:
- Loss or destruction of the subscriber card is charged with 100 (one hundred) lei.
- In case of loss of the subscriber card, the main club reception must be immediately notified to block the card.
- By paying a subscription, the client benefits from a non-nominal parking space in the areas designated for subscribers for the entire validity period of the subscription.
- For the extension of the subscription validity, the client will inform the main reception one week before expiration. The validity of the card is extended after paying the subscription fee.
- If a subscriber forgets/loses the card, they will enter the parking lot using a ticket and will immediately notify the contact person stipulated in the contract or address in writing to the email address office@pescariusports.ro.
- Parking spaces will be used between 00:00-23:59.
- The parking card is nominal and cannot be transferred.
Art. 13. Vehicles parked in violation of this Regulation will be blocked or towed and placed in specially designated areas, for the purpose of streamlining traffic and/or raising awareness among their drivers about the need to comply with this Regulation.
Art. 14. For unlocking vehicles (both those towed and those that have not been towed), drivers will be charged a fee of 150 (one hundred fifty) lei (VAT included), representing the equivalent of the unlocking service. The amount can be paid exclusively between 06:00 - 24:00 Monday - Friday, and 08:00 – 22:00 Saturday – Sunday and only at the payment point in the main reception of the club. Payment for unlocking does not exclude the payment of the parking fee.
Art.15. The sports complex "Pescariu Sports&Spa" reserves the right to prohibit the access of certain vehicles to the parking area.
Art.16. The maximum speed inside the club is 10 km/h, and drivers are obliged to strictly observe the meanings of markings and road signs placed. Vehicles with animal traction and vehicles equipped with trailers are prohibited.
Art.17. Parking of vehicles is only allowed in specially designated spaces for this purpose.
Art.18. Entering the parking lot after issuing the access ticket represents the tacit agreement of the driver to apply the provisions of this Regulation, including those of Art.12, regarding the blocking or lifting and placement in special places of improperly parked vehicles, as well as regarding the imposition of fines.
Art.19. The sports complex "Pescariu Sports&Spa" will enforce this Regulation and apply appropriate sanctions. In case of violation of the legal provisions in force, "Pescariu Sports&Spa" will inform the competent authorities to establish the facts and apply the appropriate sanctions.
Art.20. In the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" parking lot, any kind of noisy manifestation is prohibited by any means, except in cases where prior written approval is obtained from the shopping center.
Art.21. Drivers, clients, and visitors accept the following:
a) Not to use the parking lot for dangerous, illegal, immoral activities, or begging;
b) Not to use the parking lot for repairing vehicles or other similar activities;
c) Not to organize any political or public meetings, strikes, shows, or commercial activities in the parking lot;
d) Not to camp in the parking lot and not to organize picnics, sports, or other activities in the area;
e) Not to distribute advertising materials or other displays without the written consent of the sports complex "Pescariu Sports&Spa";
f) Not to do anything to disturb public order, cause damage or inconvenience, both to the parking lot and its users;
g) Not to leave unsupervised animals or hazardous substances in vehicles;
h) Not to leave minors unsupervised in the parking lot or in parked vehicles.
i) To bring pets into the club without them being leashed and to assume responsibility for cleaning up any excrement produced by them.
Art.22. The sports complex "Pescariu Sports&Spa" will ensure civilized parking conditions for users, including proper cleaning of parking spaces. The video cameras installed in the parking lot are intended exclusively for monitoring traffic flows; video recordings will not be available to the public but may be provided to the authorities.
Art.23. Long-term parking (for more than 2 consecutive calendar days) in parking spaces is prohibited, and the management of "Pescariu Sports&Spa" can remove from the parking lot, at the driver's expense, any vehicle that exceeds this period. An exception is made for vehicles with parking subscriptions.
Art.24. The driver is obligated to fully comply with the Regulation of the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" parking, and in case of any violation of the provisions of this Regulation, the respective driver will be subject to the corresponding sanction.
Art.25. Drivers of vehicles should not enter the parking area without the ticket issued upon opening the access barrier, considering that the exit from the parking area is allowed only after paying and validating the parking ticket.
Art.26. Any damages caused to both their own vehicles and other vehicles or installations by drivers, during the movement or parking within the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" parking, will be the responsibility of the individuals at fault, with the exclusion of the liability of the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" sports complex.
Art.27. When parking vehicles, the driver is obliged to secure their belongings left inside the vehicle by closing the doors, motor hoods, and trunk, windows, hatch, fuel cap, etc., and the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" sports complex is not liable in any way for their security.
Art.28. Vehicle occupants are advised not to leave valuables in vehicles, regardless of the area they are in, and the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" sports complex is not responsible for their disappearance.
Art.29. Drivers and other vehicle occupants are required to comply with specific Fire Prevention and Extinguishing (P.S.I.) regulations, as well as the instructions of the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" representatives, security company, or on-duty firefighters, being directly responsible for any damages caused.
Art.30. The vehicle driver and other occupants will maintain cleanliness at the parking space and will not deposit any materials within the parking area, with waste being disposed of in the trash bins provided.
Art.31. Violations of this regulation resulting in wheel blocking of the vehicle include:a. Parking or stopping the vehicle in places other than those specially designated or occupying more than one parking space, in the area of access/evacuation routes.b. Offering the vehicle for sale in the parking lot without prior approval from the administration of "Pescariu Sports&Spa."
Art.32. Repeatedly driving the vehicle at excessive speed in the parking lot will result in restricting access to the parking for that particular vehicle.
Art.33. Detection of violations is carried out in accordance with this regulation and in compliance with the provisions of the current legislation regarding traffic on public roads, by security agents or other employees of the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" sports complex.
Art.34. Vehicles that block or impede traffic, as well as vehicles parked in places other than those specially designated, will be subject to blocking or lifting, especially. The vehicle operator accepts the wheel blocking, as well as the lifting and storage in specially designated areas inside or outside the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" Sports Complex by external companies, in case of improper parking or abandonment of the vehicle for a period exceeding 48 hours, in which case the vehicle operator will pay the lifting and storage costs, at the level of the external service provider's costs, plus the unlocking fee mentioned in art. 6.1 above, and the parking fee.
Art.35. One of the front wheels of the vehicle will be blocked. The wheel blocking device will be yellow and will ensure the impossibility of its removal, not allowing the removal of the blocked wheel. Lifted vehicles will be placed in specially designated areas, with the front wheel blocked.
Art.36. Prior to blocking or lifting the wheels of vehicles, they will be photographed to prove the violation of this Regulation by the vehicle operators. Also, after blocking the wheel, photos of the vehicle with the blocked wheel will be taken. A notice will be affixed to the windshield of the blocked vehicles, containing information about the committed violation and the steps the vehicle operator must follow to unblock the vehicle, including completing a form at the main reception of the club, paying the unlocking fee, and signing the wheel unblocking protocol.
Art.37. The unlocking of the wheels is done after reminding the vehicle operator of the provisions of the Regulation.
Art.38. The security personnel of the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" Sports Complex does not have the duty of guarding the parked vehicles within the parking area.
Art.39. The "Pescariu Sports&Spa" Sports Complex does not assume any civil or criminal liability for any damage or harm caused to vehicles, including as a result of their blocking or lifting, for goods left inside them, or for any damages, thefts, fires, as well as for any damages caused by "Pescariu Sports&Spa" customers or third parties to vehicles in the parking lot. The parking administration has no responsibility after retrieving the ticket from the driver and the vehicle exits the parking lot.
Art.40. The management of the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" Sports Complex reserves the right to modify this Regulation without prior notification.
Art.41. The provisions of this Regulation regarding lifting will apply to vehicles abandoned in the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" parking lot. Any vehicle parked for a period exceeding 2 consecutive calendar days is considered abandoned.
Art.42. The provisions of this Regulation apply to vehicles intended for provisioning or delivery, as well as those providing taxi services.
Art.43. This Regulation and excerpts from it will be prominently displayed at the entrances to the "Pescariu Sports&Spa" Parking Lot and next to the payment machine.
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