“We can achieve any goal together, through a fun and dynamic workout!”
The trainings with Adrian Dumitru are a real story. An adventure with spectacular transformations, just like the prizes he won in ju-jitsu competitions, throughout his 20 years career.
Beside personal training sessions, Adrian holds the Ginastica Natural® classes, every Saturday, from 10:00, which combine elements of yoga, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and stretching.
„My personal training style is directed to ladies and gentlemen of all ages and levels of physical fitness, including children, but also professional athletes. By combining ground movements with hundreds of exercises in which we use our own weight, to which we then add stretching and breathing techniques, we can stimulate and improve physical qualities such as strength, power, endurance, flexibility, coordination, mobility, balance, muscle tone, lumbar stability, breathing and, of course, weight loss or gain.”
Adrian Dumitru specializes in Ginastica Natural, Fitness, Circuit Training.
He trained in and practiced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 11 years in Japan, during which time he won 7 medals in important international competitions.
Adrian is a Fitness and Bodybuilding instructor certified by the International Federation of Bodybuilders.
Courses and seminars:
Aerobics Instructor certificate;
Kettlebell certificate;
TRX Suspension Trainer certificate;
BOSU certificate.
International Competitions:
1st place at Ricson Gracie Cup Hamamatsu – 2008;
1st place at JJFS (Ju Jitsu Federation of Japan) – Osaka 2008;
1st place at Grappling Impact Tournament – Osaka 2009.